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Episode 67

Published on:

29th Jan 2025

Episode 67: Reverse Tooth Decay Now!

[embed]https://youtu.be/Vp6qAqXbEk4[/embed] Today, we’re diving into tooth decay—what it is, what causes it, and how you can stop it. Did you know that tooth decay is one of the most common health issues worldwide? It affects people of all ages, but here’s the good news: you have the power to fight back! Stay tuned as we break down everything you need to know about keeping cavities at bay. Oh, and stick around for some surprising fun facts about your teeth that’ll leave you smiling! Your Princeton Dentist: Dr. Radwa Saad

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The Wonder Tooth Podcast
Hello there and Welcome to the "Wonder Tooth" Podcast with Dr. Saad. This will be our weekly episode.

Dr. Saad, the founder of " Dent Blanche Dental", the best luxury dental spa in the US will be your host.

Dr. Saad will take you to the secrets and wonders of having an incredible smile as well as healthy teeth and overall health.

She will give you some tips to make sure our podcast and your smile are rocking and rolling.
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