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Episode 7

Published on:

1st Jul 2023

Episode#7 Artificial Intelligence and Dentistry: Interview with AI World Expert Dr. Ahmed Elgammal

In this Episode, we are interviewing one of the World's main experts in Art and AI, Prof. Dr Ahmed Elgammal, Director of the Art and AI lab at Rutgers University and founder of Playformai.

  • What is Artificial intelligence and what is Machine learning?
  • The reasons why AI is the hot topic now in today's world ?
  • What re the applications of AI at home and for common users?
  • What is BeethovenX and how Prof Elgammal was able to finish Beethoven's 10th symphony using AI and became on e of the world's leaders in Artificial Intelligence.
  • What are the future uses of AI in dentistry and in healthcare?

-Early caries detection

-Early periodontal disease detection

-Oral Cancer Screening

-Innovative use in root canal treatment

-Orthodontic treatment

-implant placement and early detection of implant failure

  • What is Playform application and how we can use it in our daily life?
  • Should we be scared of Artificial intelligence in the future?

Playform application can be reached at https://playform.io

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if you have any questions, please reach us at

Instagram: @radwasaad_dmd

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RadwaSaadDMD

Dent Blanche Dental

3640 Lawrenceville Rd, Princeton, NJ, 08540


Office# 609-890-1888

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The Wonder Tooth Podcast
The Wonder Tooth Podcast – Your Ultimate Guide to a Healthy, Stunning Smile!
Welcome to The Wonder Tooth Podcast, hosted by Dr. Radwa Saad, a top cosmetic and implant dentist with over 20 years of experience transforming smiles with cutting-edge digital dentistry.
Listen to The Wonder Tooth Podcast, your ultimate guide to oral health and dentistry, on all major platforms! Hosted by top cosmetic dentist Dr. Radwa Saad, this podcast delivers expert insights on dental care, smile makeovers, and the latest innovations in dentistry.
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For more expert dental advice and luxury dental care, visit our official website at Dent Blanche Dental: https://www.dentblanchedental.com/

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